Had to take a chance before classes started here and compose a little of what's been happening in life over the past two weeks. As most all of you know I recently had my spring break and mom and dad planned a trip for me to go down to New Mexico to see family and interview LH about his experience in Korea and some of his history. It was the best spring break to day even though I havn't ever enjoyed to many due to the fact that I generally take advantage of them to just do extra work. It was a great trip and everytime we travel through moab to ship rock I'm always amazed at the beauty of that this not so green part of earth has to offer. We got
LH and Jeans baby Rusty the cat keeping on eye on it's bunny out the window who helps keep the lawn mowed for them.
to spend the first night in Gallup and while unloading the car out in the parking lot of the Ramada Inn sure enough I was accosted by a drunk Navajo. Awwww the joys of New Mexico! I assure you that none of my peers who were enjoying their spring breaks on cruises in the Carribbean or on sunny beaches somewhere warm could say that they were accosted by a drunk indian. Had the opportunity there to see lots of family there in Gallup and have a good time before we moved on to Silvercity. Arriving in Silvercity we got to meet up with Chuck and see his outrageously large and custome house which was very very nice but to much. There we got to meet up with LH and Jean and I just ended up going home with them. I hadn't had a chance to see their new home yet so I laughed when Jean stated that it was the last one behind Hamilton Construction with concentina wire.
LH and Jeans wonderful house
I was nervous at first on how to proceed with LH and getting the interview started. I didn't want to come across like a jerk just wanting an interview. Luckily once me and LH started into talking about guns the ice was completely broken. I got to show him my Kahr 9mm(a Utah CCW liscense is good for New Mexico too) and pictures of my Beretta carbine and he showed me all of his and told me of his recent exploits with his mossberg 500 shotgun against a fox, a skunk, and a pack of wild dogs roaming the neighborhood. I have to laugh because he reminds alot of the Garth and Hub from second hand lions.

During my stay with LH and Jean I was treated like royalty everyday. They fed me non-stop and made sure I had no wants. Jean even made me a corn bag and heated it up everynight and put it in my bed! Mom's probably rolling her eyes right now thinking of the amount of enabling they did to me while I was down there. Like I said the best spring break ever! I got to spend alot of time with LH, Jean, and even Spencer. I had a great time asking LH questions about his history and learning about who he was and how that has influenced who he is today.

LH on the right with is favorite boots and hat. This was during LH's first job search as a bull rider which ended prematurely due to a bad ride into a fence that helped LH decide that bulls were much larger than him and therefore could do alot more damage than he originally thought they could. Since they didn't have his size boot in basic he actually had to wear those cowboy boots in basic and had to march around in them all day until he his feet were swollen and he couldn't take them off. He used those boots until he wore them out in basic and got his combat boots. He really loved those boots.

LH on the left with good buddy in Korea
LH digging into the side of the hill
He had alot of great stories to tell about growing up and his life experiences. I guess this must be universal with geneology and researching history, but it seems the more you learn about someones life and the experiences that made them who they are the more you want to learn. Recording a small part of LH's history was wonderful and fulfilling...but in all truth it's not enough. I'm not satisfied with the 2-3hours of history that I got. I want to know more and get it all every last detail, but that I know is an unrealistic desire. So it's strange to come back from my spring break and feel somewhat unfullfilled. I feel like I've been reading through the first part of a good book but am unable to complete it at this time. It was tough to say goodbye and head back to Utah after having spent that much time and learned as much as I did. Again reading a good book you tend to relate to the main characters and grow attached to them. And when that book or series of books ends it's a tough break to say goodbye. Maybe I'm just crazy or maybe I just have to deal with some heavy seperation anxiety I dont know.
But I guess I'll start trying to compile what I have and the next chance I get hopefully record some more history from LH. Thanks mom and dad for giving me that opportunity.