Sunday, July 31, 2011

Never enough time to do all the nothing you want

It's sunday evening and I just wanted to post a little something on here and catch up with all of my siblings wonderful blogs. I wish I had some great or interesting life changing thing in my life at this point in time with which to report to all of my readers. I guess I can only announce the opposite, in a sense I'm just laying on a grassy hillside happily watching the clouds of life lazily drift overhead. Summers been fun but it's almost over.
I'm reminded of my favorite comic Calvin & Hobbes, to Calvin it seems like summer has flashed by and sadly it's already nearing its end and soon he has to return to school and responsibility never having accomplishing all the nothing he wanted to accomplish.
Calvin said it best

 Much to my own dismay, summer has and is going by way to fast for my own liking.  I guess I've been having to much fun avoiding life and responsibility this summer which is reminiscent of magical summers from my past when I had to attend dreaded elementery school at summers close. Now that the good summer days are coming to a close I have to force my self to start looking to some kind of future again as much as a bummer as that is for me at this time. As I think about it I can only laugh at myself, I'm nearly 28 and only seem to be going backwards with my Calvin like mindset of life in only wanting to play and be free to run wild. Despite all my anxeities I'm as happy and content as I've ever been in life and I'm so blessed to have so much in life. Everything always works out, generally not how we want or plan but I know they always do.